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Breaking it Down
Critical Race Theory (CRT)
Critical race theory (CRT) is an academic movement
started by legal scholars who seek to critically examine
the law as it intersects with issues of race and to
challenge mainstream approaches to racial justice. Here
are the basic tenents of the theory broken town.
- Race is a social construct
- Racism in the United States is an ordinary
experience to most people of color
- Legal advances (or setbacks) for people of color
tend to serve the interests of the dominant white groups
- Minorities deal with being stereotyped often
- No individual can be identified in only one way. A
Black person can also identify as a woman, a lesbian,
a feminist, a Christian, and so on
- People of color are uniquely qualified to speak on
behalf of other members of their group (or groups)
regarding the effects of racism
For more information, please
visit: Kind Academy
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